To obtain and use PCMAV this update, make sure the first PCMAV RealTime Protector is not active. If so, you must close the application first. Then you simply run PCMAV Cleaner (PCMAV-CLN.exe), the computer must be switched on to connect to the Internet (non-proxy). Features GetUpdates from PCMAV will automatically give an address on the Internet where you can download the update files. Place the downloaded file (PCMAV.vdb) to the folder where PCMAV are. If there has been PCMAV.vdb old version of the file, you simply drosysgrifo. And later when you return PCMAV run, he is in condition pitch update.
Message from the creator of the virus during a copy-paste. Hatred. 18 Kb or more precisely 18,432 bytes for a relatively small viruses that are made using high-level language. Which in this case, the virus is created using Visual Basic, which in the last method using P-Code. Size is also a condition in the pack using UPX, that if in-unpack size to around 80Kb. The virus is similar to using the icon for Microsoft Word documents to deceive luck. PCMAV known by the name of Hatred, while several other antivirus software known as Trojan.Autorun, VB, or Karan. This virus is not likely to release new viruses, but the tricks used quite a lot of pulling and relatively small size. At the infected computer, the computer at the time indicated on 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30, this virus will create new user accounts in Windows with the name of Hatred.
List of additional virus PCMAV 1.9 Update Build1:
Aksika-East Java
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