New features in PC Beta Media Ragnarok2
* RTP. Is one of the most awaited features and was sidelined for six months. Features RTP (RealTime Protector) now comes integrated with a cleaner so it is easy to Cure / Delete / Quarantine when the virus was detected. This latest generation of RTP has been fully compatible and runs stable on Windows XP, Vista, 7 32-bit. Interception of the files that are infected or suspected of being malware more powerful & real-time with the use of low-level hooking system technology.
* Block Program on the USB / Card. USB flash disk / card is generally used as a medium of data exchange, but not infrequently infiltrated by malware in the form of executable code. For those of you who do not want to miss an active malware from USB flash disk / card (such as in an office environment), can activate the option Block Program On USB / Card on Ragnarok2 in the system tray menu.
* CatchCrypted For EXE / VBS. Trusted commercial programs generally do not use a packer. Conversely, many techniques malware camouflage themselves with encryption / compression using a specific packer in order to not be easily dismantled. Ragnarok2 able to recognize and intercept the files with these criteria (which is often suspicious), by activating the option CatchCrypted For EXE and / or CatchCrypted Ragnarok2 For VBS on the menu in the system tray.
* Exception. If you have a folder / file that is believed to be free of viruses and is not a malware, you can instruct Ragnarok2 to skip these files from the scan. To use it, you need to write down the folder / file into exception.txt file located in the same folder with PCMAV.exe. Examples of the contents of "C: \ New Folder \ file.exe" (without quotes) means providing exceptions / exemptions to the file named file.exe located in the folder C: \ New Folder. Another example, "C: \ backups \" (without quotation marks) means that provide exceptions to all files contained in the folder C: \ backup.
* Support Proxy. There are times when you need an Internet connection when using the automatic update for PCMAV, Ragnarok2 support the use of the Internet through a proxy that is widely used in office environments and institutions. Configuring the proxy can you type on proxy.txt file with the format: IP | port | username | password.
* Scan Archives. Malware hidden in compressed ZIP / RAR can also be detected by Ragnarok2, by selecting the option Scan Options - Scan archives on the main window Ragnarok2. Default this option is off. Please note, the use of this option will slow down the detection process.
* Context Menu. Menu "Scan with PCMAV" that appears when right-click the folder / files in Windows Explorer also improvised so that you can perform scans on one or more folders at once, by highlighting the folder / file you want, right click and select "Scan with Ragnarok2" . Context menu appears during Ragnarok2 active in the system tray.
CAUTION: PC Media Ragnarok2 Beta is a prototype for next-generation version of PCMAV, which is currently being intensively developed by a team of PC Media antivirus. Ragnarok2 Beta is available only for testing purposes only.
This release does not reflect the final result PCMAV. Some features are still in testing stage and will possibly change before the final release is launched. These features are very possible not to run perfectly and there is a bug that could cause the system does not run normally.
Unless you're an advanced user (experienced) in computing, please avoid the use of PC Media Ragnarok2 Beta in the system / computer that used to work everyday

password: ragnarok2