Is your computer infected with virus Conficker (aka Kido or Downadup)? If yes, whether you have used the popular anti-virus, but can not afford Conficker thoroughly cleaned with? No sad especially disappointed. Media PC is now, as the market-leader in computer magazines, the PCMAV Express Conficker for that at this time is the * only * special Conficker superior antivirus in the world capable of providing complete solutions in the virus. And this proves that antivirus PCMAV is always the pride of Indonesia, even though the virus is faced by foreign-nan sophisticated.
NOTE: Due to the complexity of handling Conficker this virus, mainly due to the implementation of rootkit technology is a relatively neat and "beautiful", scan engine architecture PCMAV 2.0 standards that are not designed and are not prepared to handle new types of virus such as this. Therefore why PCMAV Express for this Conficker present pending the rising PC Media magazine 05/2009 which PCMAV akan load the latest release.
Unlike the other anti-virus, PCMAV for Conficker Express is designed specifically for the special and can identify 100% accurately and thoroughly eradicate Conficker to the "radical", even though this virus has antidebugging techniques, anti-VM, double-layer and obfuscated code rootkit (invisible), which include sophisticated and complex.
Please note that, despite PCMAV Express is able to identify accurately, and the 3 variants of Conficker (Conficker.A, B, & B-1) that we get from the many faithful readers of the magazine PC Media, but only 2 main variants (Conficker.A & B) is known and we believe has spread to such an extent of hundreds of thousands of PC in the country. So not true that at the time that this virus Conficker entry has up to hundreds of thousands of variants. Info astray this is speculation only a handful of reseller / vendor / creator of the antivirus amatiran did not have sufficient competence to analyze the virus is really quite complex. Despite that, not closed the possibility there will be new variants Conficker. Please tell to edit if you find it.
In addition, if there is another fake anti-akan able to detect so many virus variants (up to tens of dozens), it can be ascertained that the antivirus has been terkecoh by engineering obfuscated code that applies to this virus, or can be also due to the inability of the technical antivirus is the only simple to understand techniques pendeteksian / amateur using a hash (CRC, MD5, SHA). And technically, this type of antivirus akan beaten so Conficker active in memory.
The first and the only one in Indonesia, PCMAV Express for Conficker equipped with the latest technology RootScan smart-nan, who is able to safely penetrate through to the ring0 (kernel-mode) to detect virus berteknologi rootkit. This is the main key to be able to eradicate anti-rootkit similar Conficker. Any Sehebat an antivirus in the world, during Conficker active and capable of hiding in ring0, all the power and business anti-virus to detect and cleared most of the configuration of the system will be quite useless. And sepengetahuan our new Express PCMAV this is the only antivirus Conficker special in the world who use sophisticated techniques-nan unique to dispel this kind of virus from the secure memory.
In addition, PCMAV Express this can Conficker and the clean settingan system that has been infected and able to restore it to its original state, including re-enable services that it turn off. Difficult to find another antivirus Conficker in the world that has this ability, such as: clean and complete!
In addition, analysis of complete virus Conficker, which is still a hot topic discussions antivirus researchers around the world, will be loaded on a PC Media magazine 05/2009 with the latest release PCMAV afford them. FAQ summaries and analysis of this virus will soon be added in this blog. So, keep-in-touch!
Rules of Use:
- sure your users have Administrator equivalent rights.
- the antivirus installed in order not to disrupt PCMAV Express.
- Make sure that the computer before you * not * connected to the network or the Internet during the scan.
- Once completed, it is recommended to restart and re-scan (if necessary).
- After the virus was successfully dituntaskan, immediately update / patch your Windows. PCMAV Express is also able to detect when your computer is not in the patch.
- Make sure all the PC that is connected in the network have also been free Conficker, before you return the PC connected to the network.
- Make sure the password Administrator rights in your PC is not easy to guess, because Conficker have the ability to penetrate the "guess" the password to the Administrator with the vocabulary. Change your password with a combination of alphabet and numerical order is not easy to guess.
- If steps 3-7 above do not follow you correctly, then most likely Conficker can attack again, as well as any anti-virus you use.